About Us

Dane County Immunization Coalition Logo


Work together to increase the number of children and adults in Dane County who are immunized according to the most recent scientific recommendations.

Who We Are

Formed in 1993, our membership includes people from public and private health care providers, businesses, service organizations, pharmacies, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical companies. Membership is open to all people and organizations who help with our mission.

The Coalition is led by Board Members who work in Dane County to increase immunization rates.

Board Members

  • Chair, Ryan Bender, Forward Pharmacy 
  • Vice Chair, Brian Stamm, Employee Trust Funds
  • Treasurer, Bobbie Rogers, SSM Health
  • Secretary: Teresa Kuntzsch, UW Health
  • Dr. Jim Conway, UW Health, Pediatric Infectious Disease
  • Dawn Sebranek, Madison Metropolitan School District 
  • Stacy Bong, UW Health
  • Nate Patton, Public Health Madison & Dane County
  • Hillary Plumb, Hy-Vee Pharmacy
  • Ann Wagaman, Associated Physicians
  • Korbey White, Employee Trust Funds
  • Jana Feltz, Group Health Cooperative-South Central Wisconsin
  • Cassie Vanderwall, Quartz Insurance
  • Elaine Rosenblatt, community member
  • Gwen Long, community member
  • Cara Winsand, community member

What We Do

  • Create messages for the public about the importance of immunizations.
  • Promote immunization recommendations.
  • Support partnerships among community groups, health care providers, businesses, and other agencies.
  • Educate providers about immunizations practices.
  • Promote policies that can improve immunization rates.
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