Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening

Doctor talking with a patient.

We offer two programs for free screening and treatment for breast and cervical cancer. The Well Woman Program connects you to local clinics for screenings and the Well Woman Medicaid Program provides help with treatment. 

Wisconsin Well Woman Program

You can get free breast and cervical cancer screening if you are:

  • A person with breasts, age 40-64,* AND
  • You have limited income, AND
  • You have limited or no health insurance

* Exceptions:

  • People ages 35-40 who have a current breast or cervical symptom
  • People over 65 who do not qualify for Medicare

Am I eligible?

You may be eligible if:

  • You have no insurance, or insurance with a high deductible, AND
  • Your income is at or below 250% of Federal Poverty Guidelines:
    • Household size of 1=$37,650
    • Household size of 2=$51,100
    • Household size of 3=$64,550
    • Household size of 4=$78,000
    • Household size of 5=$91,450
    • Add $13,450 for each additional member

Self-employment and farmer’s income is based on net taxable income.

There is no immigration status required.

What does the Well Woman Program pay for?

  • Breast exams
  • Mammograms (breast cancer screening)
  • Pap tests (pelvic exam only if a pap test is performed)
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) test
  • Diagnostic testing if your screening results are abnormal

How do I enroll?

By phone (Dane and Rock County, Wisconsin only):

English: 608-242-6385 or 608-630-3280

Español: 608-242-6235 or 608-630-3280

For other counties in Wisconsin, call 1-800-722-2295 or find the coordinator for your county.

By email

By mail

Fill out the enrollment form

Print the form and mail or fax it to:

Public Health Madison & Dane County – WWWP
2705 E. Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
Fax: 608-266-4858 (confidential)

After we get your form, we’ll contact you. We’ll give you a list of providers to choose from in Dane or Rock County. 

Billing Issues

For billing issues after a Well Woman Program appointment, please complete our form by clicking the button below. 

Well Woman Program Billing Issue Form

Wisconsin Well Woman Medicaid

Treatment Support

You may be eligible for Well Woman Medicaid if you’re enrolled in the Well Woman or Family Planning Only Services Program and are diagnosed with:

  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Precancerous condition of the breast or cervix

You may also be eligible if you lose your health insurance while in treatment.

You must live in Wisconsin and be a U.S. citizen or qualifying immigrant.

This program covers the same services as Wisconsin Medicaid, whether the service is related to cancer treatment or not. It provides full Medical Assistance benefits for the duration of treatment for breast or cervical cancer and monitoring after treatment is complete. You will not have to pay co-payments and are not required to choose an HMO or one health system for all your medical care.

​​​​Learn more about eligibility for this program.

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