COVID Data Notes for the Week of January 19, 2023


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The data snapshot is released once per month. You can find past issues on our data and dashboard page. The data below are from December 19-January 15. To learn more about CDC recommendations based on our data, visit the CDC Community Levels page.

Key messages from today’s Data Snapshot

  • Cases were stable from 12/19-1/1 and then decreased over the past two weeks. We currently have a 14-day average of 60 confirmed cases per day. Inpatient hospitalizations have been stable over the past month, and we currently have a 14-day average of 60 people hospitalized with COVID in Dane County hospitals each day. Percent positivity decreased from 8.9% two weeks ago to 6.5% for the past two weeks. We’re currently averaging 924 PCR tests per day over the past two weeks.
  • For the most recent sampling period (1/6-1/12), Madison has a moderate COVID wastewater concentration with no significant increase (but is trending upwards). For the most recent sampling period (12/15-1/10), Sun Prairie is at a very low COVID concentration with no significant increase. Note that the Madison sewershed is sampled at a higher frequency than the Sun Prairie sewershed; because of this, it is likely that the Madison wastewater data is more precise in comparison to Sun Prairie.
  • The current 7 day average of people hospitalized with COVID in Dane County hospitals is 71% lower than the same date last year, and 39% lower than the same date in 2021. The current 7 day average of people in the ICU with COVID is 91% lower than the same date last year, and 85% lower than the same date in 2021.
  • Statewide, influenza (specifically Influenza A) is the predominant circulating non-COVID respiratory virus. The prevalence of all respiratory viruses appears to be stable or declining, but it’s possible there could be future surges yet this winter.

This content is free for use with credit to Public Health Madison & Dane County .

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