1. Confirmed case of measles in Dane County.

    See community exposure locations

Data Notes for the Week of January 21

New Data Snapshot with icons of different types of charts

Read the data snapshot

If you’re new to the data snapshot, we publish a weekly summary of the status for each of our metrics (you can find past issues on our data and metrics page). We have a few notes for this week’s issue (data from January 5 through January 18):

There was a significant decrease in cases during this 14-day period, and percent positivity is now below 5%.

Dane County’s 14-day average number of cases is 172 per day, down from 195 last snapshot. In this 14-day period there were 2,404 total cases. Percent positivity is at 4.4%. Timeliness of contacting people who tested positive has also improved, with 57% of people who have tested positive receiving an interview within 24 hours of when their result was reported, up from 41% two weeks ago.

5.5% of the Dane County population has received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

As of January 20, 39,144 doses of vaccine have been administered in Dane County to 29,814 people.

Dane County is following Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ guidelines for vaccine prioritization. People in Tier 1a (frontline healthcare workers) are currently being vaccinated. A draft document with Tier 1b definitions has not been formalized by DHS yet. We expect this to happen this week.

Dane County will begin vaccinating people 65 years old and older starting on January 25, per state guidelines. There are 700,000 people in Wisconsin who are 65 or older, but Wisconsin is only receiving about 70,000 first doses per week. Not everyone in this age group will be able to be vaccinated immediately. See our vaccination page for more information.

We launched a new COVID-19 data dashboard this week!

Have you checked out our new COVID-19 data dashboard? The dashboard has the ability to filter most graphs by the past 2 weeks, such as cases, tests, hospitalizations, and percent positivity by day, deaths by month, and demographics for cases, tests, and hospitalizations. It also shows the most recent two week trend for cases and hospitalizations. Therefore, we will no longer be including those charts and data points in the data snapshot (other than the metrics on the first page), as they will be readily available daily on the dashboard.

We will continue to report data that is not available on the dashboard in the weekly data snapshot, and to provide context around trends we are seeing in the data.

This content is free for use with credit to Public Health Madison & Dane County .

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