Violence Data

We use both internal and external data to guide our work. 

  • Internal data come from the patterns and trends we observe through our community violence intervention work and CSIT.
  • External data come from police calls for service and violent crime trends, trends in fatal and non-fatal gunshot wounds, information shared by our partners and national data.

Gun Violence

Over the last decade an average of 38 people per year in Dane County lost their lives to a firearm. Most of these deaths (~80%) are due to suicide. A small number of deaths were unintentional (purple) or of unknown intent (green).

number of firearms deaths among Dane County residents by manner of death

*2023 data are provisional and are therefore subject to change.

  • 1 in 2 adults report being impacted by gun violence

    According to a national survey, 1 in 2 adults report being impacted by gun violence, either directly or through a family member.

More Data on Gun Violence

Sexual Violence

  • Sexual violence is unfortunately too common and affects millions of Americans each year. Over half of all women and almost 1 in 3 men will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetimes.
  • For the number and trend of reported sexual violence in Dane County see the Wisconsin Department of Justice’s Crime Reporting Dashboard - Sex Offense Data tab. However, we know that many people do not report sexual violence to law enforcement for reasons such as shame, embarrassment or fear, or because they do not think anything can be done. For example, the DOJ’s dashboard shows 315 sex offenses in Dane County during 2023, but the Sexual Violence Resource Center (formerly Rape Crisis Center) reported serving 436 sexual assault victims in 2023 and receiving over 1,000 calls to their helpline.
2 in 5 women, 1 in 4 men report having experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime

Domestic and Relationship Violence

  • Domestic violence, also called intimate partner violence (IPV), is common, and also likely underreported. IPV includes physical violence, stalking, and sexual violence.
  • IPV often starts early in life during adolescence. People from groups that have been marginalized by society, including BIPOC and LGBTQ+ youth, are at greater risk of experiencing IPV.
  • In Dane County, an important resource for people experiencing intimate partner violence is Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS). More than 8,900 people called their helpline in 2023 and they provided 8,695 shelter nights. 

Violent Crime Trends

  • The FBI defines violent crimes include homicides (murder), sexual assaults (rape), robberies, and aggravated assaults.
  • The number and trend in violent crimes depends on the type of crime. For information by County, see the Department of Justice’s Crime Reporting Dashboard - UCR Offense Data  tab. For information by city (individual Police Department), see the Department of Justice’s Crime Reporting Dashboard – Offense and Arrest Data by Agency tab. 
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