1. Confirmed case of measles in Dane County.

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New COVID-19 Data Dashboard Released


Dashboard includes over 60 data elements

Public Health Madison & Dane County has released a new COVID-19 data dashboard that contains more than sixty data elements, including trends in age, race and ethnicity, hospitalizations, and vaccinations, specific to Dane County.

The dashboard is available at https://publichealthmdc.com/coronavirus/dashboard.

The landing page of the dashboard includes an overview of the latest data and the change from yesterday. Users can click icons to see trends and additional information by race and ethnicity, age, and gender. The dashboard also includes information on testing and vaccinations.

“This new dashboard makes it easier than ever for users to track COVID-19 data in Dane County,” said Katarina Grande, Public Health Supervisor and Data Team Lead. “Our team designed the dashboard to accommodate casual users and seasoned data enthusiasts alike. We have at-a-glance overviews for people wanting high-level information and added functionality to slice and filter data for those who want to dig deeper.”

The dashboard pulls data directly from a Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ database and eliminates the need for staff to key in updates manually. The dashboard will be updated by 10:30am on weekdays and 2:30pm on weekends, provided there are no delays from the state database.

A mobile-friendly version of the dashboard should be available in the next few weeks.

In advance of publishing the dashboard, the Data Team conducted user tests to solicit feedback, which the team used to improve functionality, interactivity, and intuitiveness.
As of January 12, the previous dashboard had been viewed 1,950,497 times.

“Since very early in the pandemic, Public Health Madison & Dane County has been a leader in the state with providing high-quality, transparent access to COVID-19 data,” said Jerry Halverson, MD, Chair of the Board of Health. “The Board of Health applauds Dane County’s investment in a data-driven response.”


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