Your Back-to-School Checklist

a child bikes in front of a school

Believe it or not, a new school year is just around the corner! Here’s a checklist to help make sure your family is set for success.

Staying safe & healthy

  • Make sure your child is up to date on their vaccinations.
    • Routine vaccinations: Certain vaccinations are required for entry into certain grades. New this year: the vaccine that protects kids against meningitis is required for children entering 7th and 12th grades. You can check their record in the Wisconsin Immunization Registry. In collaboration with our partners, we’re offering four, free vaccination clinics in October for school-aged kids 5+. Get details on our website.
    • COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. Be sure your child gets their COVID-19 and flu shot this fall, ideally before November 1. is a great place to see where you can find a dose once they’re available.
  • Schedule your child’s routine well-child check-up. This yearly visit helps keep track of your child’s health, developmental milestones, and vaccinations. We love these tips for helping your older child advocate for themselves!
  • Talk with your child about mental health. This guide from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is a great tool for starting a conversation. The Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health has resources for support and finding help.
  • Safety proof your home. This includes safely storing medications, knives, and firearms. Need a gun lock? Many organizations offer them free, and you can also buy locks at box stores, sporting goods stores, and online for $10-35.
  • Remember the “small talks.” Conversations about difficult topics like bullying, safe relationships, tobacco and e-cigarettes, and drinking alcohol aren’t “one and done.” Expect to have small talks frequently about these topics. We’ve linked to resources on how to have these conversations.

Stocking up on home & school supplies

You probably already have a checklist from your child’s teacher about pencils, paper, and the like. But don’t forget to stock your child’s backpack with tools they might need like tissues, hand sanitizer, a mask, and a sunscreen stick. This goes for your home stash too! Another thing to make sure you have on hand: fever reducer like Tylenol or ibuprofen.

Writing up any health-action plans

  • Have a plan in case your child is sick and needs to stay home. Your child’s school should provide information about when to keep your child home from school. Will you stay with them at home? Do you need to call in a relative or friend? Planning ahead can make things easier on yourself in the future!
  • Be sure your child’s teacher and school have updated copies of health-related action plans for your child. For example, if your child has diabetes or asthma, making sure everyone is on the same page can save lives.

Take care of yourself too!

  • Keep up with your annual physical. See your own doctor once a year for a tune-up! Don’t hesitate to make an appointment anytime there’s been a change in your health. And like your kiddos, be sure you’ve gotten your fall COVID-19 and flu shots too.
  • Get mental health support. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. If you need help finding a counselor or therapist, check with your health system or call or text 211.
  • Practice self-care. This means something different for all of us. Know what helps you tick and make time for it, whether it’s meeting friends for coffee, going for a morning walk, cooking a great meal, or anything else that supports your health and wellbeing.
  • Subscribe to stay up to date with us! We have a blog, newsletters, and social media channels (Facebook, Instagram) so you can be in the know about health happenings in Dane County.

Thanks to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for inspiring this blog post!

This content is free for use with credit to Public Health Madison & Dane County .

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