New Data Dashboard of Dane County COVID-19 Information


Starting today, Public Health Madison & Dane County will be sharing daily updates to COVID-19 cases in a new format. A data dashboard goes online today that includes more information about COVID-19 in Dane County.

The dashboard is available at

The dashboard includes: cumulative tests administered, current confirmed cases, confirmed case count by age range, cumulative case count by date, and deaths.

“The dashboard only reflects confirmed cases of COVID-19. Due to testing limitations, we know many more people in our community are and will get sick from COVID-19 than the numbers show. Nevertheless, this data provides a real-time snapshot of confirmed COVID-19 activity in our community,” said Heinrich.

The dashboard will be updated twice a day, including weekends, at 8:30am and 4:30pm. Information is gathered from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and through the Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System. We receive test results throughout the day, and the results are recorded on the day they were received. 

The dashboard clearly illustrates how cases in Dane County continue to increase. Because we have community spread, social distancing is critically important. Public Health urges everyone in our community to practice social distancing and stay home as much as possible in order to save lives.

“Given that Wisconsin has community spread, when you leave home, assume that you will come into contact with COVID-19. We urge everyone to stay home so you don’t increase your likelihood of getting sick, and to reduce the risk of getting others sick. We all need to do our part to keep our most vulnerable friends, neighbors, and loved ones well. This will also increase the ability of healthcare and others to maintain essential services,” said Heinrich.

All community members should be monitoring themselves for symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat) and isolating themselves from others as soon as they develop these symptoms. Our fact sheet has more information about how to monitor symptoms, how to properly isolate, and when to return to work.

Note: A previous version of this release stated "The dashboard includes a timestamp of the most recent updates." The timestamp was actually of when the page loaded, not when the data were last updated. We have removed that timestamp in the dashboard to avoid confusion. The data will continue to be updated at 8:30am and 4:30pm daily.



coronavirus (COVID-19) news release
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