Data Notes for the Week of December 23


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You can find past issues on our data and dashboard page. The data below are from December 6-19.

Cases and hospitalizations were high but stable during this period.

Cases were stable during this 14-day period with an average of 258 cases per day. The number of people hospitalized with COVID in Dane County hospitals averaged 126 people hospitalized each day. Percent positivity was 6.7% and an average of 3,851 tests were conducted per day.

The Omicron variant is spreading in Dane County.

Both the Delta and Omicron variants of concern are currently the most prevalent virus strains in Dane County and Wisconsin. Omicron is rapidly increasing in prevalence; the first three cases in Dane County were identified on December 16, and nearly 150 additional cases were identified as of December 21. Cases are expected to increase as Omicron becomes the dominant strain in Dane County.

The best protection against COVID-19, including the Omicron variant, is for people ages 5 and older to get vaccinated and people ages 16 and older to get a booster dose when eligible.

People vaccinated with the initial series only were 3.7 times more likely to test positive than people who received a booster or additional dose.

This emphasizes the importance of getting a booster if you’re eligible.

Nearly half (49.8%) of fully vaccinated people in Dane County have gotten a booster or additional dose.

This percentage is 55% for people ages 16+, and 80.2% for people ages 65+. The last page of the snapshot shows the various levels of vaccine coverage by all age groups.

There will be no data snapshot released next week; it will return on January 6, 2022.

This content is free for use with credit to Public Health Madison & Dane County .

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